If you host the same event year after year, it’s not easy to keep things fresh. Running back the same themes and attractions year after year could cause your guests to be less enthusiastic. One way to spice things up is to bring Coachella Party’s Airstream to your event. The “66 Spirit” possesses a versatility that makes it useful for nearly any kind of event.
Airstream is a brand of travel trailer that’s notable for its distinctive shape and polished aluminum coach work. Back in the 1920s, a man named Wally Byam began building these trailers out of Masonite is his Los Angeles backyard. He began to sell them commercially in the 1930s.

Airstream, which some have called a “land yacht”, survived the Great Depression and World War II, and really began to increase in popularity in the post-war era. People used them for travel, often in groups, across the country and eventually the world. They’ve become known for their reliability and durability and are seen by some a symbol of a uniquely American brand of freedom.
Our Airstream
Although we’ve only had our Airstream since 2017, it’s been in use since 1966 as a 24-foot Trade Wind. When we bring it to events, it tends to be almost like a magnet in how it attracts guests. We can use it for a variety of purposes – bar, pop up shop, lounge and photo booth.

Recently, we renovated the service door, added new stabilizers, installed air conditioning, redid the flooring and put in a bar with a sink and ice well. We think of our Airstream as both classic and modern. You can enjoy the same look it’s always had with modern comforts such as Bluetooth speakers and LED lights.

MLB All-Star Game
Recently, we were hired to bring the Airstream to its biggest event yet: Major League Baseball’s All-Star Game, which was held in July at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles. We were hired by Mastercard for a VIP event in the Uber parking area during the game. They brought us there to give out water and other giveaways during and after the game. We added a Mastercard/Uber decal to the side of our trailer and have the ability to add a full wrap for future events as well.

Bringing the Airstream to such a large-scale and iconic event was a great opportunity and hopefully only the beginning. We’re open to working events of all sizes, with prices starting at $2,500. If you’re interested in bringing the Airstream to your event, give us a call today at 760-808-5280.

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